Advanced Robots.txt Generator PROfessional can enhance the way in which the crawlers index your site.
The Robots.txt files are text files that you must save at the top level directory of your web site, and will contain instructions for web robots about how should they index the information in your web site. You can specify which folders you do not want the robots to visit, something that is known as "The Robots Exclusion Protocol".
Advanced Robots.txt Generator PROfessional can generate Robots.txt for more than two thousand robots and crawlers. The generated files can be used in any dynamic web site, no matter if it is written in PHP, ASP, etc. This program relieves the user from the need to understand the syntax or robots.txt protocols. It will keep track of the web site changes, and will reflect them on the robots.txt files. The program will periodically update the list of robots and crawlers. You can create as many projects as you like, entering the details for each one of the sites that you want to create robots.txt for.
The demo version of this program will not let you compile or upload any robots.txt file.